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Colleague Spotlight: Geoff Nichols — Medical Physicist, Radiation Oncology

Get to know Geoff through our HCA HealthONE Swedish colleague spotlight.

March 15, 2023
Geoff Nichols

HCA HealthONE Swedish Colleague Spotlight

For more than 100 years, HCA HealthONE Swedish has been a Hampden Avenue landmark. The community of Englewood and the surrounding areas have been turning to HCA HealthONE Swedish not only for exceptional healthcare, but also for career opportunities. The team culture at HCA HealthONE Swedish is storied and unique: Many of our colleagues were born at the hospital or have family history of employment. Below, we’d like to share a few of the stories of our amazing colleagues who we have had the privilege to work alongside and care like family.

How long have you worked at HCA HealthONE Swedish?

6 years in April

What do you love about working at HCA HealthONE Swedish?

Our team is full of great people!

What inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

I was never interested in medicine, but wanted a career where I could help people. I heard about radiation oncology while my father-in-law was being treated for brain cancer, and was introduced to the field of medical physics as a physics undergrad. The combination of science and direct impact on patients’ lives sounds like the perfect fit.

Who has been the biggest influence on your career?

My wife. She was getting her PhD while I deployed to Iraq and started studying physics in college. Her work ethic helped me see just how bad a student I was!

What I want people to know about my current role or department:

Medical physicists in the clinical setting oversee all aspects of radiation dose calibration, beam modeling, and treatment planning and delivery. We are also responsible for equipment testing and quality control, and protection of staff and patients from radiation hazards.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love the outdoors — cycling, running, and skiing are my favorite activities. I also love reading and hanging out with my family on lazy weekends.

If you had an unexpected day off, how would you spend it?

If it’s not ski season, I like to find new trails to run or new mountain roads to climb on the bike. Of course, I follow that up with a beer at whatever brewery is closest.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I love it right here! I grew up in northern New Mexico, so coming back to the Rockies was a homecoming for me.

Share a fun fact about you or anything you would like your HCA HealthONE Swedish colleagues to know.

I have two wonderful kids, a degree in music, and served eight years in the Army National Guard before starting my career as a medical physicist.

March 15, 2023
HCA HealthONE Swedish

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